Saturday, 7 December 2013

Things said to a vegetarian/vegan

Wait, does that mean you can't have bacon?! Can you have eggs then? What CAN you eat as vegan? (Having a BBQ), oh oops I forgot about you. Why? Can you eat fish? Why are you vegetarian? Oh so this is a diet of some kind. 
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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Stand points

This is a little rant. A rant nether the less. I am a strong believer that the ones you love should let you make your own choices without passing judgement. This means that you should be able to do what you want to, especially with your own body. Phill's new boyfriend (whom I adore), Tom doesn't like tattoos, piercings or extreme hair.  So basically he  doesn't like my choices. Also he doesn't approve of Phill wanting/having tattoos. Which sucks. It makes Phill feel like he has to choose between tattoos and his boyfriend. Which isn't a choice you should have to make or make people do. I'm not saying that is what Tom is doing overtedly however he is in a way. 
Let people do what they want! It is their lives! Don't pass judgement on people when it is not your place. 
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Saturday, 16 November 2013

Don't drop that thun thun!

Don't drop that homophobe,
throw them out the window.
(now sing it to 'Don't drop that thun thun' by Finatticz)
Long story short; a couple that my mother and Steve are aqainted with were over and extremely homophobic but their defenses were things like 'oh but we know gay people' or 'oh but they make lovely dancers in ballet' and 'it's just wrong/it's just not right'.
Then it turned to racist and my sister and I had a rant and it followed by me singing this because I have the song stuck in my head and my sister wanted to throw them out the window. 
We're never ever ever coming out of the closet. 
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Thursday, 7 November 2013

Best coach/older sister ever!

Getting up early today to go into the city to the American and Birtish sweet store to get Berty beans, gay bacon strips, nerds, twizzlers and clinkers for my gymnasts. Can't wait for their competition! Glitter is a must :) 
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I hate onesies!

Just when I restore all hope in humanity and I see people wearing onesies out in public. It's fine to wear them at home on a cold winters day or for a costume but not out! This is what society has deemed acceptable, yet we're still fighting for equal rights. This is the generation I have to deal with. Generation Z, you're ridiculous. 
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Monday, 23 September 2013

You know I'm sick when...

I refuse and massage, hug and kiss from some very attractive ladies. Yep. I don't even know why I thought that was a bad idea. Silly sick me saying no to those things. I can't even believe it. 
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Sunday, 8 September 2013

No sleep had

Even by my standards this is ridiculous. 2 hours sleep on first night, then gymnastics and on Saturday phill was over so little sleep had then gymnastics ALL DAY. This weekend it is queer ball and Aly's 20th with gymnastics ALL DAY BOTH DAYS. SHIT. 
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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Queer Lounge

SO I totally found and entered the queer lounge with Xander and there was just one other person in there and she started to make awkward conversation. Now Xander is gone and they have multiplied. Xander read a book about handjobs. YES THAT IS WHAT THEY HAVE IN HERE.
I'M NOT EVEN GAY. Would it be bad to bring a boy here to make out with? WHY DOES THAT EVEN COME INTO MIND.
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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Things my little sisters say...

'I don't want to make you sad Rachael but, why don't you smile as much as you used to? Everyone always says how much you smiled when you were young.' FUCKSHITWHAT. How do I even respond to that?!
In my actual response I repeated, 'don't you worry, I promise I am happy' a lot. I thought I was better now!
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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

I'm ready to throw up.

I've seen two mullets today and I haven't even been out of the house for an hour. What is happening? Is someone trying I send a message that an apocalypse is coming? 
P.S  I'm sick. But the disgust and throwing up is still valid. 
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Monday, 17 June 2013

Vegan life

Already lost weight. Suck on that Kurt, Geoffrey and Matt! There goes your dream of me being fat. 
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Saturday, 8 June 2013

Georgie's birthday wish


Later she said that she wanted a pretty bike. 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

I love people's natural curiosity

But when I say a sarcastic remark or avoid the question;
Stop asking me
Ask me when we don't have an audience
Ask me when I have time
Ask me when I'm in a more serious state 
Ask me when I may feel like answering it 
Ask me when we're friends 

Friday, 10 May 2013

That's it!

I'm moving to Canada! I can't decide between Vancouver or Montreal but it's decided. I'm thinking Vancouver because they have AHMAZING ski slopes and snow fall. Then I wouldn't be far from LA as well but still quite far away from Europe and around 14 hours behind Melbourne Australia time. Certainly will e difficult to keep in touch. Oh well, byes guiizz!
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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Not an arts student

I just realised that I free very much like the typical 'art' student especially with my coat and hair colour. People must look at me and wonder what the hell I'm doing in Science. But I love it.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Fashion police me came out

Beige work boots, blue jeans and a floral dress Honey what are you doing?
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Friday, 5 April 2013

Better than ever

So the bitch is back and stronger than ever. I'm back to my usual ways with people; not that I really ever ceased my general behaviour but I did try being different for a while and I still dislike it. Now people can't say that I haven't tried it or done it recently. Was that what it was all about? Probably. Did I feel good toying with their mind? HELL YES!
It's good to be back.
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Sunday, 17 March 2013


I'm so overwhelmed with feelings. I think I'm like the Grinch and my tiny heart isn't used to it. I'm not used to these feelings and they should feel good right? But I jut feel scared, sad, anxious, worries, angry and somehow numb.
I don't know if I want this or if I can handle it. I just need a hug. A long one. No talking, just silence.
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Monday, 11 March 2013

In between lecture bordem

I seriously need to find something to do during my 3 our break of Tuesday. Like, building a fort, that would be fun and productive. Damn Monash for being in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

I officially love the apple store

This is the second time that I have gone there and been hit on. I love it. This time I was buying my iPad and getting it set up. Gosh the looks she threw at me, and lest I forget the rainbow bracelet and necklace? She was literally perfect! Blonder hair, light blue eyes. Unf. She also goes to Monash and does science but is a 3rd yea r so I get to see her around :) she told me she'd look out for me.
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Sunday, 24 February 2013

What do I do when my mums away for the weekend?

I get 4 tattoos. That's how it's done. Especially since it's the one thing she said I should never get done.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Just fucking stop.

Seriously. I would rather be locked in a room with my father than you. Even he is bothering me less than you are. I would rather be friends with him. Get the fucking picture?

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Just realised you probably think that post a little while again about breaking your heart is about you. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Wow, now, it's about a guy because unlike you, I've moved on to many different guys actually and I won't break your heart I will crush it, in case I haven't already.
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Saturday, 26 January 2013

Lesson learnt

The sad moment when I don't want to get huge blisters so I decide to walk barefoot on asphalt on a 36 degree day. GENIUS. Next time When I get blisters from my flip flops I should suck it up. Now I have blisters and burn soles. #notevenkidding #burntfeet #neverwalkingoncoals #dreambroken #thisiswhathappenswhenicantfeelanything

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

I'm only going to break your heart

Please. You are too kind and you not only deserve better but should be with someone who could actually return some sort of affection without running away. It's what I will do.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

"Cup" song

What do I do in my free time? How do I stay productive? I learn the cup song from pitch perfect. Yep. At the beginning I was saying 'fuck this is hard, I can't do this' because instead of picking up the cup I kept on hitting it over. Now I am a master. And have the tune stuck in my head. Congratulations on both counts.
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Monday, 7 January 2013



Thursday, 3 January 2013

Midsumma festival

It starts on the 13th. I can't even. I haven't been in two years. And now I'm legal. Asdfghjkl. This is a hot summer, I plan to wear bathers every time I go. Or little clothing. All acceptable at midsumma! GAY BACON STRIPS!